So I thought I would do a Home Ware wish list as you would know if you read about my how I bought my first home post which you can read here that I have recently moved into my first home and in the process of making it a home rather than a house. There is so many items I am lusting over. Its strange as I would much rather buy loads of home ware stuff rather than clothes, I am not the only one surely?!
So I thought I would do a Home Ware wish list as you would know if you read about my how I bought my first home post which you can read here that I have recently moved into my first home and in the process of making it a home rather than a house. There is so many items I am lusting over. Its strange as I would much rather buy loads of home ware stuff rather than clothes, I am not the only one surely?!
1. I am lusting over bright colour cushions at the moment which is odd for me, specially when the majority of my house is grey at the moment.
2.These storage boxes looks so cute and handy so just have somewhere to put all the stuff that just lies on my floor for yearrrrsss.
3.I thought this picture looked lovely, and its of New York.
4. I don't know why I love this Lantern so much as it isn't really my style but I think it looks lovely and adds some quirkness into my house.
5. A candle because who doesn't love candles!?
6. I'm a sucker for fake flowers as they give the look of fresh permanently.
All the items I have mentioned are a reasonable price, as I would rather be able to get a few bits for the same price you could get one expensive item. Personal preference though!!
Do you like the items I have mentioned here?
Lots of love,
Nicole xxx