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Why I decided not to go to university


So today I thought I would write a post about why I decided not to go to university. And what I am doing now.  Before I start, I think if you want to go to Uni go for it!! I have nothing against anyone going; I just thought I would put together reasons why I didn’t want to go.

Why I decided not to go to university
Image not mine Source

I have never been one to want to sit in a class room, like PE and food tech were my favourite subjects as it wasn’t like a usual lesson. I must admit also, I am far from clever, like I did okay in my GCSE, and very very average in my A Levels, that even if I want to go to Uni, with the grades I got, it wouldn’t have been a university I wanted to go to. I just had a bad two years with A Levels, like it put me off anymore studying, sounds stupid but true. I know some people love studying, which is good for them. But I knew when I got my first Saturday job, that I just preferred working. I just found I enjoyed working than school. Which I think was my first sign. Now I work full time and love it!! And because of that is how I managed to buy my first home, which you can read about my post here

So onto my School, the school I went to is very university orientated to even the extent that when I said I wasn’t going, a teacher said “well what are you going to do then” which isn’t very supportive specially if you aren’t going to Uni and want help with your options. My favourite teacher ever literally helped me so much with all my options, with jobs, apprenticeships, management schemes and there are literally so many options out there to progress into amazing careers with good prospects. And there really is some amazing opportunity and careers for someone who doesn’t want to go to Uni. There is so many website and everything to help you find exactly what you want to do.

I always look up to my mum, and she never went to university. I just think wow she has done amazing and had so many different careers, which also gave me, a reason to think I’m not a failure for not going to university. She always said for me to carry on education until I was 18, just to get some education under my belt which I did.  I use to look forward to my Saturday job working as I felt like that was a day off, so the thought of doing three more years of education- I couldn’t manage it.

Finally, there was no subject that I thought yeah I could study this for 3 years, and when it came to applying for University, I had no clue what I wanted to do as a career. So personally to me, it was a very expensive option for someone that had no idea what to do.

 So yeah they are my reason why I decided not to go to university. If you want to go to university do it, you will probably have an amazing time. If you are unsure what to do, google/speak to people about what options are out there.

I just think now days that most people assume going to university is the norm, even when they don’t need to go for their dream job. I think before people jump straight into University, they should research into their dream job and if a degree is necessarily. Which is why I put together reasons why I decided not to go, just in case anyone is in the situation where they are indecisive. Also, I might in the future suddenly decide that I want to go to Uni, which I could do a part time course, so there is plenty of options out there. 

Lots of Love,

Nicole xx


  1. This was so lovely to read! Although I do go to university I completely relate to 'University Orientated Schools' they put so much pressure on students and create a negative atmosphere for those who want to head straight into work or in my case, those who aren't 'academically gifted' to go to Oxford/Cambridge. It's super important for everyone to know there is so many options!

    Laura x

  2. As someone in their second year at university I found this so interesting to read! Love your honestly about it all. There's too much pressure on university being the only option, I know so many people on my course alone who dropped out during first year when really they knew it wasn't going to be right for them.
    Chlo xx

  3. I loved reading this, and it's so interesting to hear why you didn't go. I didn't go to uni either, but it is so important for people to be aware that uni isn't the only option, as there are so many others xx

    Hannah | luxuryblush

  4. This is such a great post to read. I kinda needed to go for my job but I 100% believe it's not essential for everyone and that people should think it through.

    1. Yeah I get that that! I know a lot of Job requirements ask for degrees!xx


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