Beauty and Lifestyle Blogger


Summer Saviours

So with summer coming up soon, even though the weather when I am writing this is awful. We always have to be hopeful for a warm summer in England.  So I thought I would put together my summer Saviours, which really help me during summer.

So say you don’t catch the sun well, or you just want a little extra colour in your skin. Then this bronzer is perfect for faking 'the glowing skin look' which we all want from Summer. (Well I do anyway) .
Lip Balm
It doesn't take much for any of my skin to dry out, but in the warm weather, my lips get so dry! So I always make sure I take a moisturising lip balm to help prevent that. Also its good having a lip balm with a SPF in it, as lips also burn in the sun!

After going on Holiday to Bali last year, you can read that post here. That with the humidity, trying to keep any makeup on is a challenge; however this setting spray does help to stick it in place a little longer.

The one thing I love about Holidays is not have to wear foundation. As the sun instantly makes my skin so much clearer and spot free, when I get back from holidays I wear very minimal makeup. So say your tan is coming to an end, this oil gives a little bit more colour into your skin. Just looking very natural!

I don’t know whether it because I lived in Australia half my life, or the constant nagging from my mum (which I am so glad about) about wearing sun cream. So come into Spring/Summer I always wear this under my makeup, as it has a SPF 50 I know that my face is covered.

Do you like any of the products I have mentioned?  Are you going away anywhere this year? What products do you recommend?

Lots of love,


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  1. Setting spray is a must for me during the summer months!

    1. Helps just keeping your makeup on just a little longer aha!x

  2. Gorgeous photos, I have been meaning to try Skin Defense but when I saw it in store I didn't think it would last very long, how long do you think yours lasts? Thank you for sharing x

    ALittleKiran | Bloglovin

    1. Aw thank you! And a good few months I would say!xx

  3. The milani bronzer looks fab and perfect for summer!

    Olivia / Olivia Roses

  4. Love Milani! Great products <3

  5. I always need a setting spray for long, hot days :) I really want to try the Body Shop SPF too

    Jasmine xx

    Jasmine Talks Beauty


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